Defining our mission and values at 152 Media
We held an event where we could gather our entire 152 Media team, to enjoy a lunch and discuss what 152 Media means to us.

What did we define?
We collectively defined our mission and values, and we want to share them with you.

Our Mission
We are pioneers in the development of innovative solutions for publishers. Our main objective is to maximize the profitability of digital advertising on websites by implementing continuous technological evolution to improve our services. We have an internal development area called 152 Media Lab, where we proactively work on new technologies, integrating artificial intelligence.
We closely follow market changes and trends to maintain and enhance our value proposition. As a result, we integrate individuals into our team who have the capacity to adapt, allowing us to explore and conquer new segments.
The perseverance, transparency and humility of our team are key elements in forging long-term relationships with clients and strategic alliances, which allow us to position ourselves as leaders in the market.

Let the journey begin